Citizen Police Academy
The Citizens Police Academy will begin it’s third class March 6 - May 1, 2025.
Any resident wishing to apply should complete an application and return it to the Bridgewater Police Department by Friday, February 28, 2024.
Course open to Bridgewater Township residents 21+ and older
Class will run every Thursday from 6:30pm-8:30pm
Class will give participants inside understanding of Bridgewater PD structure, organization, and operations
Participants will learn roles and responsibilities of different Bridgewater PD divisions, including patrol, traffic, investigations, etc.
Will include a use of force seminar followed by specialized firearms simulation training
Graduates will be CPR & AED certified
*Applications can be delivered to the Bridgewater Police Department or emailed to
Sgt. Jack Kennedy JKennedy@bridgewaternj.gov
Hard copies of the application can be picked up from the Bridgewater Police Department