I. PURPOSE: The purpose of this policy is to establish the department’s role in recruiting individuals for the entry level sworn police officer position and the procedure for selection of sworn and civilian personnel.
II. POLICY: It will be the policy of the Bridgewater Township Police Department to recruit entry level sworn police officers. This department will strive to identify the best candidates available, not just disqualify those candidates who do not meet the
department’s minimum requirements.
III. PROCEDURE: An Equal Opportunity Employer.
1. As stated in the Code of the Township of Bridgewater (Chapter 26 Article 1), equal employment opportunity shall be afforded to Township employees and applicants for employment regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital or veteran status or the presence of a non-job related medical condition or handicap.
B. Recruitment Plan
1. The Chief of Police or his designee shall assign as a collateral responsibility “Recruitment Process.” The Recruitment Process shall include oversight of the recruitment plan and selection process for department personnel.
2. The department will maintain a recruitment plan directed toward achieving a sworn workforce that is a reasonable representation of the composition of the population it serves. This recruitment plan shall be in compliance with the Attorney General Guideline, Promoting Diversity in Law Enforcement Recruiting and Hiring dated December 7, 2021
Refer to Attachment A.
3. Included in the recruitment plan will include data that compiles age, gender, race, and ethnicity of the agency’s current law enforcement officer and police officer applicants as of December 31st of the previous year.
4. The annual recruitment plan will be forwarded to the Somerset County Prosecutor’s Office each year by January 31st.
C. Recruitment Plan Evaluation.
1. The Operations Division Commander or his designee(s) shall conduct an annual review of the recruitment plan and ensure it is in compliance with the Attorney General Guideline, Promoting Diversity in Law Enforcement Recruiting and Hiring dated December 7, 2021
2. Upon completion of the annual review if the goals and objectives have not been achieved, the recruitment plan shall be revised and the recommendations will be forwarded to the Chief.
D. Selection.
1. The selection process for both sworn and civilian personnel will be in accordance with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations as well as any ordinances of the Township of Bridgewater.
2. Minimum Selection Requirements, sworn personnel.
Recruitment and Selection Process
Must be a citizen of the United States.
Age: at least 21 years of age at the time of initial application.
Must be a resident of New Jersey at time of appointment.
Must have a valid New Jersey driver’s license at time of appointment.
Must have a High School Diploma or a GED.
An applicant MUST have one of the following:
An applicant must have an associate's degree or have completed 60 college credits from an accredited college or university,
At least two years of active duty military service with an honorable discharge,
Have a minimum of at least 2 years of CONTINIOUS FULL TIME work experience.
Applicants to the Bridgewater Township Police Department may be automatically disqualified for any of the following:
Having been convicted of an indictable offense or received an indictable conviction expungement.
A conviction of any offense involving domestic violence.
A conviction of any offense involving a controlled dangerous substance.
A conviction of any offense involving public office, position or employment.
If you were ever adjudicated to have committed an act of juvenile delinquency. Juvenile delinquency refers to the commission of an act which, if committed by an adult, would constitute an indictable offense.
If you were adjudicated by a court or found by an employer to have violated any person’s civil rights in New Jersey or any other state.
If you are currently on probation or have been on probation at any time within the last 12 months in New Jersey or any other state.
If you participated in a program of supervisory treatment or pretrial intervention for an indictable offense under N.J.S.A. 2C:43-12 or the equivalent in another state.
If you have been convicted of driving while intoxicated two times or once within 5 years in New Jersey or any other state.
If your driving privilege is currently suspended or revoked in New Jersey or any other State.
If you were dishonorably discharged from any branch of the United States military or law enforcement agency in New Jersey or any other state.
If you have ever renounced your United States citizenship.
If you are currently subject to a final domestic violence restraining order.
If you were ever terminated or asked to resign from a public office, position or government employment for misconduct involving your public office, position or employment.
If you, within the past 10 years, have possessed or used any other illegal drug or drugs, including anabolic steroids, other than those prescribed to you, provided by a physician or purchased over the counter.
If you have sold or given an illegal drug to any person in your lifetime.
If you have manufactured any illegal drug at any time during your lifetime.
Applicants to the Bridgewater Township Police Department may be automatically disqualified for any of the following:
(1) Having been convicted of an indictable offense or received an indictable conviction expungement.
(2) A conviction of any offense involving domestic violence.
(3) A conviction of any offense involving a controlled dangerous substance.
(4) A conviction of any offense involving public office, position or employment.
(5) Adjudicated to have committed an act of juvenile delinquency. Juvenile delinquency refers to the
commission of an act which, if committed by an adult,would constitute an indictable offense.
(6) Adjudicated by a court or found by an employer to have violated any person’s civil rights in New Jersey or any
other state.
(7) Currently on probation or have been on probation at any time within the last 12 months in New Jersey or any other
(8) Participated in a program of supervisory treatment or pretrial intervention for an indictable offense under N.J.S.A. 2C:43-12 or the equivalent in another state.
(9) Convicted of driving while intoxicated two times or once within 5 years in New Jersey or any other state.
(10) Driving privilege currently suspended or revoked in New Jersey or any other State.
(11) Dishonorably discharged from any branch of the United States military or law enforcement agency in New Jersey
or any other state.
(12) Ever renounced your United States citizenship.
(13) Currently subject to a final domestic violence restraining order.
(14) Ever terminated or asked to resign from a public office, position or government employment for misconduct involving your public office, position or employment.
(15) Within the past 10 years, have possessed or used any other illegal drug or drugs, including anabolic steroids, other than those prescribed or provided by a physician or purchased over the counter.
(16) Sold or given an illegal drug to any person in your lifetime.
(17) Manufactured any illegal drug at any time during your lifetime.
(18) Any reason not able to obtain a PTC license.
E. Application Process for Sworn Personnel.
1. Prospective candidates seeking employment as a sworn member of the Bridgewater Township Police Department may submit an application on www.PoliceApp.com.
a. Inquiries regarding information on sworn employment opportunities in the Police Department will be directed to
2. When authorization is granted to hire personnel for sworn position(s), the Chief of Police shall determine whether to accept applicants by resume or conduct a written and physical examination.
3. If the Chief of Police determines that resumes will be accepted, the Professional Development Bureau will:
a. Review resumes/applications received from www.PoliceApp.com for candidates meeting the sworn personnel minimum selection requirements listed in Section III.D.1 above.
b. Make inquiries to police academies conducting an Alternate Route program as to the availability of recruits for interview
and/or review of the recruits’ academy files.
c. Compile a list of qualified candidates meeting the minimum selection requirements.
d. Those candidates who meet the minimum selection requirements will then be scheduled for an initial oral interview.
4. If the Chief determines that a test will be conducted, the Professional Development Bureau will contact the New Jersey Chiefs of Police Association to administer a written examination for prospective applicants. All applicants will be required to submit a resume through PoliceApp.com. All applicants will be notified of testing and interviews through PoliceApp.com.
a. The top scoring candidates will be scheduled for a physical fitness assessment.
5. The Bridgewater Police Department will conduct the physical fitness assessment. The assessment will meet the same standards set by The New Jersey Police Training Commission.
a. The top scoring candidates will be scheduled for an initial oral interview.
6. The initial oral interview will be conducted by three supervisors consisting of Lieutenants from the operations and administrative divisions.
a. Candidates will be rated by each interviewer on their oral communication skills, appearance, decision making skills,
knowledge, completeness and thoroughness in response to questions as each relates to the functions and duties of a police
(1) The interviewers will compile a list from highest rated to lowest rated. The top ranked candidates will be invited back
for a second interview. The total number of candidates invited back shall be decided by the Chief of Police.
b. The second interview will be conducted by the Administration Division Captain and the Operations Division Captain. The Chief
of Police, at his/her own discretion may take part in this process with both Captains.
c. The Administrative Captain or his/her designee will be responsible for the distribution of application packets to qualified
candidates. Detailed instructions will be provided inside the packets including a deadline for submission.
d. The failure of any candidate to return his/or her application packet by the established deadline will be sufficient cause for
e. Minor mistakes and omissions that are not deemed to be an attempt to prevent discovery of a material fact or to mislead the
department concerning a candidate’s eligibility and/or suitability for employment, will not prevent processing of the application.
f. The mistake or omission must be rectified at the earliest opportunity.
8. Included in each application packet shall be a notice informing candidates of all phases of the selection process to include, at a minimum, the following:
a. All required steps and phases in the selection process (final interview, background, medical, psychological, urinalysis, etc).
b. The anticipated duration of the selection process and the department’s policy concerning reapplication.
9. Evaluation.
a. The Chief of Police, and such other personnel as he or/she may deem appropriate, shall evaluate all candidates for employment based upon the following:
(1) A thorough and comprehensive review of the background information recorded on the employment application. This
information will be reviewed to determine the candidate’s eligibility for employment with the department.
(a) At a minimum, review of background information shall include;
1) Verification of qualifying credentials.
2) A fingerprint checks for any criminal record.
3) A check of the applicant’s driving history, if driving is a requirement for the position
4) Verification of at least three (3) personal references.
5) Candidates for sworn positions shall be checked against the New Jersey Central Drug and Domestic Violence Registries;
(a) All candidates for police officer shall be subject to a criminal history check prior to the selection phase paying particular attention to acts of domestic violence, sexual abuse, stalking, elder abuse, or child abuse, including a check of the Domestic Violence Registry to determine the existence of any active restraining orders and to determine if there is a history of
domestic violence.
(b) Police officer Candidates shall be interviewed about any history of acts of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, elder abuse, or child abuse and past or present restraining orders and their disposition. Applications for employment to the position of
police officer shall be amended to require information on these topics.
(c) Those police officer candidates with a history of perpetrating acts of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking, elder abuse or child abuse shall be identified and declared ineligible for employment as police officers.
(d) A check of all social media accounts including the police officer candidates cell phone.
(e) Loops & Wages Inquiry
(f) Employment history from National Decertification Index (NDL)
(2) Those candidates who receive a favorable recommendation for continuation in the hiring process will then be scheduled for a final oral interview.
(3) In the event that the number of qualified and acceptable candidates exceeds the number of openings, the Chief of
Police may elect to conduct additional interviews with the most desirable candidates prior to the final selection.
b. Candidates that are eliminated from the hiring process will be notified of that action in a letter from the Chief of Police or his/her designee which shall be delivered by e-mail via PoliceApp.
c. Candidates selected for continuation in the hiring process shall be notified of each additional obligation and/or requirement by
way of personal notification from the Administrative Captain.
(1) All verbal contact with candidates concerning the status of their application or actions required in furtherance of the
hiring process shall be carefully documented in the candidate’s application file.
10. Offer of Employment.
a. Candidates that have passed the background process may be offered a conditional offer of employment and continue in the
hiring process.
b. Candidates will be required to undergo an emotional stability and psychological fitness examination, conducted and assessed by a qualified professional, the results of which shall be reviewed by the Chief of Police in order to make an assessment concerning the candidate’s qualifications for employment.
c. Candidates will be scheduled for a medical/physical examination at the Township’s designated medical facility.
d. Candidates that do not complete any of the above examination will be removed for the hiring process.
e. Candidates will be required to submit a urine sample for preemployment drug screening consistent with the provisions of the
departmental written directive governing drug screening for law enforcement.
f. Any candidate who produces a positive test result for the use of illegal drugs will be immediately disqualified and his name will be forwarded to the New Jersey State Police for inclusion on the Central Drug Registry maintained by the State Police for law
enforcement applicants.
g. The Bridgewater Township Police Department may give preference to the following candidates;
(1) Graduates of a New Jersey Police Training Commission (PTC) approved police academy.
(2) Candidates who have previous experience as a sworn law enforcement officer in New Jersey and hold a valid PTC
(3) Candidates who are currently enrolled in an approved police academy Alternate Route Program.
h. The Chief of Police reserves the right to disqualify any candidate, at any phase of the hiring process prior to appointment as a
probationary police officer, upon the discovery of any fact that the Chief of Police feels would normally exclude said candidate
from continuation in the hiring process, including the discovery of false, misleading or incomplete information on the application for employment.
F. Civilian Personnel Minimum Selection, Application and Evaluation Requirements.
1. The minimum selection, application and evaluation process for other civilian personnel of the Bridgewater Township Police Department will be conducted by the Human Resources Department.
2. At a minimum, review of background information shall include;
a. Verification of qualifying credentials.
b. Review of any criminal record.
c. Verification of at least three (3) personal references.
3. Prior to appointment, the candidate must be interviewed by the Chief of Police.
4. The Chief of Police will contact The Director of Human Resources and will advise the Director of the name(s) of the candidate(s) suitable for the position
A. Equal Opportunity Employer- As stated in the Code of the Township of Bridgewater (Chapter 26 Article 1), equal employment opportunity shall be afforded to Township employees and applicants for employment regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital or veteran status or the presence of a non-job related medical condition or handicap.
B. Goals and Objectives: The goal of the Bridgewater Police DepartmentRecruitment Plan, in compliance with the New Jersey Attorney General’s Directive is to attract qualified individuals to pursue a career with the Bridgewater Police Department that achieves an overall racial and gender composition of the department in comparison to the service population of Bridgewater.
C. The selection process is generally acknowledged as a key event in the operational effectiveness of a law enforcement agency. The Bridgewater Township Police Department will attempt to identify and recruit individuals who best possess the proper attitude along with the skills, knowledge and abilities necessary for an effective, respected law enforcement officer. All recruitment
efforts will comply with the requirements set forth in prevailing law and Attorney General Guideline, Promoting Diversity in Law Enforcement Recruiting and Hiring dated December 7, 2021. In order to most effectively serve the Township of Bridgewater, the Bridgewater Township Police Department is committed to maintaining a workforce that reflects the diversity of the community that can effectively interact with all community members. A commitment to diversity by the Bridgewater Township Police Department
ensures that careers in law enforcement are visible and available to all eligible qualified candidates. With greater diversity among the Bridgewater TownshipPolice Department, significant strides can be made to promote effective policing and positively influence the specific activities and practices of law enforcement. Critically, the Bridgewater Township Police Department is
steadfast in its commitment to build on and secure the confidence, respect, and approbation of the public.